For those without small children, replacing the bathtub with a standalone shower is a trend many are adopting. Most homes should have at least one tub to make the house more attractive to potential buyers in the future. But for now you can go ahead and convert one of your tubs, and here’s what you need to know about the conversion:
For those who have the typical alcove bathtub, a relocation will not be needed. This space should be big enough and the drain and water lines should be exactly where they need to be. However, for those with freestanding tubs, this can prove to be difficult as you’ll need to avoid placing the shower near any windows or relocating too far from existing water lines.
Ideally, tearing out your old tub should be done by professionals as many can be difficult to remove. Once the tub has been removed, have a plumber inspect the water lines and drain pipes to see if they’re still in good condition. If not, have them replaced before installing the shower. Also, have the area inspected for any mold or mildew while this space is accessible.
Having multiple bathtubs in your house isn’t always needed, so why not convert it into the shower of your dreams? When you need your water lines and drain pipes inspected or replaced, contact Len The Plumber. If you’re looking for a reliable plumber, check to see if you live in one of our many service areas!