6 Things You Need To Know About Garbage Disposals
With the holidays quickly approaching, there are some pretty important things you need to know about your trusty garbage disposal:
1) Installing a garbage disposal reduces food waste
- Did you know that food waste is the largest type of waste entering landfills, and nearly 30-40% of the U.S. food supply is thrown in the trash each year? The installation of a garbage disposal will help reduce that amount.
2) Large cities can benefit from putting food waste down the disposal instead of garbage bins
- Using a garbage disposal instead of throwing mass amounts of food in the trash will significantly help reduce the possibility of rodents, such as rats and mice, and other unwanted animals from entering the garbage bins.
3) Nearly 49% of U.S. homes do not have a garbage disposal.
- Garbage disposal installations are very common here at Len The Plumber. Give us a call to schedule your installation, and you’ll have a new system up and running the same day!
4) The benefits of installing a garbage disposal are significant:
- Less food waste=less methane gases in the environment
- Low operation costs
- Makes food disposal quick and easy
- Reduces the amount of drain clogs
5) If you have a garbage disposal, you still need to be careful of what you put down your sink. Try to avoid putting the following in your garbage disposal:
- Grease, fats, oil
- Raw eggs & egg shells
- Pasta, rice, potatoes (or other foods with starch)
- Bones
- String/fibrous foods
- Click HERE for a full list!
6) The Friday after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday, is the busiest day for plumbers. If you’re wondering why, here’s a hint: ‘Stuff your turkey, not your drains.’
- The number one service call on this day is related to kitchen sink clogs and garbage disposals repairs. If you want to avoid a phone call to your plumber during the holiday, read these Thanksgiving Plumbing Tips.
Len The Plumber is here to provide you with plumbing repairs and replacements every day of the year—even on holidays! Have a plumbing problem on Thanksgiving? No problem! Our certified and experienced technicians are there to save the day. Give us a call today or schedule an appointment online, and we’ll provide you with Same Day Service.