New Year’s resolutions to lose weight are out and saving money is in for 2019!
According to Offers.com, one of 2019’s top resolutions is to save money, while those of us resolving to drop weight this year dipped by 2 percent from last year.
As you toss the confetti and ring in the new year, here are some easy ways to save on your water and energy bills in 2019.
Showers account for nearly 17 percent of a home’s indoor water use.
Lots of wasted water goes right down the drain due to leaky or outdated toilets. In fact, about 30 percent of a home’s indoor water consumption comes from toilet flushing.
Fix the leak. Dripping faucets cost more than just a drop in the bucket. In fact, a drip from a leaking faucet every second will waste 192 gallons per month. If you have a leaky faucet, you can go to this site from the US. Department of the Interior to calculate how much water you are wasting: Drip Calculator.
Reduce the number of washes you use on the hot water heating setting.
Adjust the water level to meet load demand.
Replace outdated machines with Energy Star rated models. Old washers use about 40 gallons per load while energy efficient versions us as little as 15 gallons per load. ENERGY STAR rated models use 25 percent less energy and about 33 percent less than standard washing machines.
For these tips and more information on conserving water visit the Environmental Protection Agency and Alliance for Water Efficiency websites.
At Len The Plumber we resolve to help you with all your plumbing needs. If you need to find the source of your high water bill, or if you are ready to move to more high efficiency, energy savings products, our Len The Plumber professionals can help. We are fast, reliable and local so you can count on us to provide exceptional service, seven days a week.